Medicalholodeck Inc.


Medicalholodeck Inc.

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Medicalholodeck Inc.

Informacje o firmie

  • NIP 477006258
  • Obszar działalności producent/dystrybutor wyrobów medycznych
  • Adres firmy Technoparkstr. 1
  • Kim jesteśmy? is an innovative platform at the forefront of merging medical education with virtual reality technology. Our VR software provides an immersive environment for medical professionals and students to explore medical imaging, human dissections, and 3D human anatomy models. As we continue to enhance our offerings, we are seeking an advanced medical student or recent graduate to join our team, contributing to content verification and creation within our VR platform.
  • Kogo zatrudniamy? We employ highly motivated, technology-driven individuals with a strong foundation in medical knowledge, a passion for innovation in medical education, and a commitment to excellence in content creation and verification within the virtual reality platform
  • Dlaczego warto z nami pracować? We offfer: Flexible working hours that allow for a balance between professional and private life. The possibility of remote work, providing freedom and comfort in choosing the place of work. Access to the latest technologies and tools, ensuring continuous development of skills and knowledge. Collaboration with an experienced team of experts, offering support and knowledge exchange. The opportunity to participate in innovative projects that have a real impact on the development of the industry and technology.

O nas is an innovative platform at the forefront of merging medical education with virtual reality technology. Our VR software provides an immersive environment for medical professionals and students to explore medical imaging, human dissections, and 3D human anatomy models. As we continue to enhance our offerings, we are seeking an advanced medical student or recent graduate to join our team, contributing to content verification and creation within our VR platform.

Centrum Dydaktyczne

ul. Księcia Trojdena 2a, pokój 214 i 215
tel.: (22) 57 20 909

© 2023 Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.

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